Scouts of Brazil and Panama launched the campaign "Scouts for Ukraine". NOSU will be the main partner of the project on the ground.

Scouts of Brazil and Panama launched the campaign "Scouts for Ukraine". NOSU will be the main partner of the project on the ground.

Scouts of Brazil and Panama launched the campaign "Scouts for Ukraine". NOSU will be the main partner of the project on the ground. Ukraine is now in crisis. More than 1 million people became refugees because of war and occupation. Thousands of people were killed, some of them - Scouts. For children who saw death of their relatives and neighbours it is very difficult to get used to peaceful life. But Scouts of Brazil, Panama and Ukraine decided to do this, and do it all together. With Ukrainian-Brazilian-Panaman Scout aid project it is planned to organize Scout summer camp for refugee children and during the school year - Scout activities at schools where the refugees children study. Also children will receive schoolbags to be ready to start new year on September 1. All this work and assistance will help the children who suffered from war again feel the joy and peaceful childhood.

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