Saying a special THANK YOU to the Heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic

Saying a special THANK YOU to the Heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic

Almost two months have passed since the day the Greek government announced the general lockdown of the country in response to the current pandemic of COVID-19. For all this period the doctors and nurses working in the hospitals and clinics around the country, as well as all over the world, have been called to manage a profound crisis. And they did so with the best of their will and courage, full of smiles and convinced that at the end everything will be fine.

After thousands of working hours, day and night, spend tirelessly protecting their fellow citizens, the Greek Scouts decided to say “Thank You!” with a symbolic way of doing that. This year the Easter cards of young scouts have been sent to the hospitals all around the country, keeping inside a message of hope, to the people that they are keeping us safe from harm. “We, the Scouts of Greece we would like to say a very big Thank You, to all of you fighting for a better tomorrow, saving the lives of our fellow friends and families. We wish you a Happy Easter.” was the message inside the cards.

During the lockdown there was a drawing competition going on for young scouts where the drawings of the four winners became the frontpage of the cards sent all over the country to hospitals and clinics. This is part of a bigger effort to help young scouts and people broader to enjoy their stay at home by being creative. Different activities focused on different age groups have been published, and the weekly meetings of scouts have been replaced with virtual competitions and group activities through chats and video calling applications. Young scouts all over the country and the world are prepared to face this pandemic with the most positive and creative way possible. 

Communications and Scouting Profile

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