Saving the WOSM Flag
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Saving the WOSM Flag

A few days ago, Andi Widjanarko, a friend of Indonesia Scout Journalist (ISJ) community tells me that when he visited Cibubur Scout Camp at East Jakarta, Indonesia, he saw the ruins of the Boy Camp Warehouse (Gudang Kempa). The campsite divided into two section, for boys and for girls, and each camp has own warehouse. But since the warehouse is no longer use, it seems that the ruins were likely to be razed to the ground, so that the location should become more orderly. When approaching the ruins, at first glance Andi saw a number of scouting memorabilia scattered around it. He then contacted Fachry Makassau, Deputy Head National Training Centre Gerakan Pramuka, and was advised to try to find if there are any memorabilia that can be saved. Andi contacted me, and we agreed to save the memorabilia that may still be saved. At least we can clean and store it, then later can be used as artifacts or memorabilia for the future Scouting Museum, when the museum was later established. Among a number of memorabilia that we were saved, perhaps the interesting one is a large-sized WOSM flag. When finished taking some memorabilia that can be saved, we were going to go up from the location. Suddenly my eyes look at the purple cloth behind a broken box that has been neglected. I tell Andi and Andi then retrieve it. Apparently it is a large-sized WOSM flag. So today, May 31, 2016, we saved the WOSM flag. When viewed from a number of other memorabilia we've saved in the same location, it is estimated that WOSM flag was from the early 1980s. It is a possibility that flag being hoisted on the main pitch Cibubur Scout Camp, during the National Jamboree and Asia-Pacific Jamboree 1981. We also saved a large-sized WAGGS (now the name is WAGGGS with the three "G's) flag, which we believed together with the WOSM flag hoisted at the Cibubur Scout Camp too. Other memorabilia we saved were old Indonesia scout badges from 1980s, and some wood bow for archery which been used at the 1981 Asia-Pacific Jamboree activity. Photo by: Mutiara Adriane, ISJ #2828

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