In Malawi the use of plastic papers is a day to day activity. Plastics are part of our lives and every time one goes to the market to buy tomatoes, dry fish, vegetables that person will go home with a plastic paper. The handling of these plastics at home, is not that decent enough. I started collecting all the plastic papers at home and fill in some soil as one way of reusing them. Then I planted the pawpaw seedlings . I worked on it for a week while planning to come up with more seedlings so that i distribute them to primary schools. It was such a workable project as I was directly reusing the plastic papers more efficiently. I had to teach the students on how they can do the same at home. They agreed with me that these plastic papers they are found almost everywhere and t is a matter of collecting them and do the simple things. They also promise me to keep their homes clean free from plastic papers as they will make sure that every plastic paper is being reuse and they will try to have fruits nursery right in their homes later they will distribute to their neighbors. This simple project can be carried out by everyone out there and still bring a huge impact to the people around us. We can also teach young people in the sense that they get busy on something useful in their homes. As we looking more workable ways of reusing plastic papers, we can reuse them in many ways.