Rashtrapati Guide

Little did I know, in 2008 while receiving the highest attainable (President of India's Rashtrapati) award for scout and guides, that the values nurtured by 'The Bharat Scout and Guides' (BSG) have prepared me for a lifetime of leadership. Over a decade later, as a physician-musician and writer, when I reflect on my girl scout days, I am most grateful for teaching me how to identify and solve problems in the community and learn from setbacks. I developed a strong sense of self as a young girl. We enjoyed a priceless camaraderie of sisterhood. Currently, I am a leading advocate for inculcating music into the palliative oncology infrastructure. I am looking forward to giving back to society with a sustainable development goal (SDG) at the intersection of culture and health. 

Culture and heritage
Health lifestyles
Mental health
Health and Wellbeing

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