Here is some games and activities I collected for all children and youth to be used to rise awareness on energy and Climate change. They are collected from kids pages and UN FAO YUNGA Global environment challenges and I have a couple original one like educational caterpillar, bingo and domino games EDUCATIONAL BÄ°NGO You need a power going to show. The event may be World ,environment day, JOTA , A world Jamboree. Now Energy and Climate change. Make list of questions at least half of the slides. Copy tgo power point ad duplicates of slides in a such a way there will be no winner before the end of slides Collect a group together. Start to show ppt ask the questionwhwn related slide came on the screen. If question is difficult. Give some hints and give a special token to first correct answer. At the and of game one of the cards will be vinner. And a scout will have most number of tokens Thet are winners CATERPÄ°LLER GEME Post your slides to somewhere a meeting hall or a forest. Make 36 question and drag a caterpillar witg 36 parts and head .is ftart pointand tail is finish. Wire questions on post it with a number. Hide posits on woods or in meeting hall. Teams lined and the first team Throw a dice and goes to find the question with that number. Reads the question. They may find the answer ob posted posters. And bring the answer to Judge. If they correct they throw the dice again and goes further. If they are erong. They go only one step. The first team who comes to tail wins DOMINO You need a list with ten remarks on saving water or saving electricity. Make your domino cards with these information or symbols for these remarks and play the game

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