My experience at the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) – Leadership Academy; in USA, with BSA

My experience at the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) – Leadership Academy; in USA, with BSA

My experience at the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) – Leadership Academy. Each day we learn something new, at least something small. Sometimes we learn a lot of things…and that was what happened to me a few days ago. I was very exciting because I had gotten the opportunity of participate in a great Leadership Training…the NYLT, that was held in Washington DC, from July 3th to 9th. This course is organized by Boy Scouts of America, who have been doing an amazing work training their youth scouts to become better leaders and citizens. I was going to be part of those youth. We were two internationals scouts who had been invited to participate. I was part of the Log Patrol. My patrol mates, Connor Yorks, Ryan Loney and Nathaniel Blanchard were the most amazing people with me. They were three boys who always treated me with respect, boys who saw me like someone who they can learn things of. My patrol mentors, Debra Kunz and Pat Soper, who always made sure of make our patrol feel in a special place, and they did it. This course has an amazing content; I definitely improved my teaching and leadership skills. We worked throughout the whole week in a method of planning a presentation. We first had a presentation of one topic, and then we worked in our plan in order to be the ones who will give that same presentation to our patrol. We always had the guidance of the staff in the planning process. My patrol mentors were always there helping me to improve, as well as my patrol mates, with whom we always work and improve together. I understood and applied the EDGE method (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) in each of my presentations, and I always have the feedback from my patrol and my patrol mentors, something that helped me a lot to improve. Fun was always the top ingredient of the course. The course had an amazing staff and amazing participants. I might say that I had a conversation with each of them, at least a small one. As a Guatemalan, I had the opportunity of sharing about my culture and the way we do Scouting in Guatemala. That was something great. I really made new awesome friends in NYLT, and I could share who I am and how I lead myself. NYLT was a course that I will never forget; not only because of the things I learned and the way I improved my leadership skills, but also because of the people I met there made me feel like if I was at home, in a special place. Thanks NYLT!
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement

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