MoP Taiwan - The International Day of Peace 2021
MOP Taiwan Team organized a series of activities to celebrate the International Day of Peace from 17 September to 18 October. The activities include Peace Selfie, Blood Donation, Plastic Tide Turner, Peace Drawing, Color your Scout Place, etc. MOP Team also published an activity pack to provide program guidance to local scout units. The highlight of the event is the Peace Online Zoom Meeting. The meeting was held on the night of Saturday 25 September and some 80 leaders attended the zoom meeting. Mr. Lin, Yu-Chang, Chief Commissioner graced the opening and encouraged every scout to become Messenger of Peace. MOP team also launched a 10-minute film about the MOP project in Taiwan. Mr. Sherman Sheng, MOP Co-coordinator made a report on the history and progress of MOP in Taiwan. Other sharing of successful MOP stories is made by Mr. Wang, Yung-Chin and Mr. David Lai on the topic of Beach Clean Up project and CJK Project respectively. Ms. Shen, Fang-Yu explained the new WOSM website for uploading MOP project on sdgs.scout.org. She provided step by step explanation which made it very easy to follow and understand. The fun part of the zoom meeting is the Peace Dance and Kahoot game. Please image everybody moved their hands in front of their screen. Dr. Ie-Bin Lian made a closing remarks to encourage everyone to do MOP project which will help our local community but also to let the World see Taiwan’s effort in global issues, such as SDGs.
中華民國童軍總會於110年9月17日至10月18日辦理國際和平日慶祝活動,今年的活動主題為-重建一個更為公平與永續的美好世界。系列活動由MOP小組規劃各種活動,並彙整編輯活動手冊,提供各團及縣市童軍會舉辦活動時參考。 系列活動包括和平字卡拍照打卡上傳活動、捐血活動或號召捐血活動、減塑行動、和平著色活動及彩繪和平使者團部或營地等。 活動的高潮為110年9月25日晚間舉行的童軍總會國際和平日線上慶祝活動。活動邀請童軍總會林右昌理事長、蘇德祥秘書長在開幕式致詞。林理事長表示雖然疫情影響,但童軍仍不減熱情,持續進行服務及推展MOP活動。 活動並首次公開我國和平使者推動10年以來之首支中文紀錄片,參加人員反應熱烈。影片相關的分享包括彰二團王泳清總團長分享聯合淨灘之活動成果與經驗、衛道中學童軍團賴彥丞分享CJK行義計畫,該計畫為聯合台灣、日本及韓國的社區服務計畫。其他的相關課程,包括MOP台灣協調員盛孝銘說明MOP計畫、活動手冊及申請過程,花蓮縣協調員沈芳宇團長則向參加人員說明世界總部新版填寫MOP成果的 sdgs.scout.org登入教學。為了增加活動的趣味性,活動期間並播放MOP Dance帶動跳,以及阮俊霖夥伴所帶領的Kahoot遊戲。 閉幕活動由連怡斌國際委員及張文鑫副秘書長致詞,連國際委員勉勵所有夥伴持續推動MOP活動及相關SDGs活動,讓世界看見台灣的成果。