MOP Taiwan 2020 Local Coordinator Training 和平使者種子營
和平使者計畫(Messengers of Peace,以下簡稱MoP)為世界童軍總部於各國童軍青少年活動的重點發展活動之一,希望藉由多元教育的模式讓更多的青少年尊重不同人種及宗教、改善貧窮、教育及基本生存資源不平等、促進環境保護等,並借青年力量來渲染全世界,創造更美好的世界。世界童軍總部也鼓勵各國童軍積極將MoP與聯合國永續發展目標結合,使得全世界青少年皆有機會為世界盡一份心力。
配合教育部108年新課綱的推動,和平使者計畫更符合其中「社會參與」的多元文化與國際理解,使得青少年能尊重與欣賞多元文化、積極關係世界議題、掌握時代的動脈、發展國際理解、多元文化的價值觀與世界和平的胸懷。另外聯合國永續發展目標過去一直在世界童軍活動計畫中執行,包括和平使者計畫、世界童軍環境教育計畫(World Scout Environment Programme, WSEP)及世界童軍獎章(Scouts of the World Award, SWA),目的皆在透過引發青少年對於世界議題的重視,進而讓青少年針對不同的全球議題,進行計畫的實踐,發揮「做中學、學中做」的精神,進而創造美好的世界。
「藉由這次MOP的課程,讓人了解參與和平計畫不是遙不可及的事情,而是可以帶回團內發展一起共享參與的活動,即使是很微小的事情,只要相信這件事是對的持續做,總有一天會開會結果的。」- 吳孟潔 Will, Meng-Chieh高雄市第170團Wi-Fi羅浮群
「人類是地球上的一份子,佔有空間,使用資源,更應該為世界負責,為了讓世界更美好,義所當為,毅然為之。」- 陳協盈 Chen,Xie-Ying 彰化縣第123團蒲音羅浮群
「透過這次MOP的課程,我可以了解和平永續的概念,並且整合聯合國SDGs的永續發展指標進行活動設計,以期可以帶領團隊做更多的服務!」-蕭胤承 Hsiao, Yin-Chang 宜蘭縣第1團羅東國中
The General Association of the Scouts of China held the MOP Taiwan 2020 Local Coordinator Training at the National Changhua University of Education on 5 December 2020. The event was hosted by the MoP Taiwan team and the Taiwan Scouting Education Association and supported by the Changhua County Scout Council.
The Messengers of Peace (MoP) is one of the main activities of the WOSM for Scouting in various countries, hoping to make more youth respect different races and religions, improve poverty, inequality in education and living resources, and promote environmental protection through a diversified education model. We hope to create a better world through the power of youth. The WOSM also encourages Scouts worldwide to integrate the MoP with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. So that youth around the world can have the opportunity to contribute to the world.
In line with the Ministry of Education new 108-year curriculum, the Messengers of Peace program is in line with the 'social participation' component of multiculturalism and international understanding, enabling youth to respect and appreciate diverse cultures, actively relate to world issues, grasp the dynamics of the times, and develop international understanding, multicultural values, and a heart for world peace. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have implemented past world scouting programs, including the Messengers of Peace Program, the World Scout Environment Programme (WSEP), and the Scouts of the World Award(SWA). These programmes aim to create a better world by arousing the youth's attention to global issues and allowing them to implement projects that focus on different global issues, giving full play to the spirit of "learning by doing."
First, the impact of the new epidemic this year has awakened countries around the world to pay more attention to the disease and health and to prevent epidemics and medical treatment. Secondly, this event was co-organized with the Taiwan Scouting Education Association, so many school teachers participated, hoping to introduce peacemakers' concept into the school classroom through case sharing to achieve the fifth high value of education for sustainable development.
The event also invited scout leader Wang Yung-Ching from troop 2, Changhua County Scout Council, to introduce their achievements in MoP activities since 2019, and through the sharing of practical cases, participants were able to understand better how to implement MoP's "Inspir", "Learn and Decide", "Do" and "Share".
Thank you to the National Changhua University of Education and the Taiwan Scouting Education Association to support our activities during the epidemic to make the MOP Taiwan 2020 Local Coordinator Training successful.
"Through this MOP course, people can understand that participating in peace projects is not something that is out of reach, but something that can bring back to the scout group to develop a shared activity." - Will, Meng-Chieh, Troop 170, Kaohsiung City Scout Council, Wi-Fi Rover Group.
"We are a part of the earth, we occupy space and use resources, so we should be responsible for the world, and to make the world a better place, we should do what is right." - Chen, Xie-Ying, Troop 123, Changhua County Scout Council, Puyin Rover Group.
"Through this MOP training, I was able to understand the concept of peace and sustainability, and integrate the SDGs of the United Nations to design activities, so that I can lead my team to do more services." - Hsiao, Yin-Chang, Troop 1, Yilan County Scout Council, Luodong Junior High School Scout Group.