Mayor of Tainan City, Taiwan, honoured as Messenger of Peace
市長也在會議當中接受蘇德祥秘書長代表林右昌理事長致贈和平使者領巾,今年3月3日蔡英文會長亦在總統府接受和平使者領巾,成為和平使者;和平使者計畫(Messengers of Peace)為世界童軍總部(World Scout Organization Movement)所推行的世界性計畫,希望藉由全世界童軍青年對於環境、消彌對立等,來改善世界,目標創造更多和平的環境。此外,透過童軍青年的行善,正向影響青年發展,來讓我們的下一代成為優秀的世界公民並創造更美好的世界。
鄭宇盛 攝影
Scouts of China(Taiwan) hold the National Meeting of Director General of Local Council on 19 March, 2017 in Tainan City, Taiwan.
During the meeting, Mr. William Lai, mayor of Tainan City accepted to become the messenger of peace.
In his remarks, Mayor Lia expressed his appreciation for all Director General of local council to be in Tainan; he stated that Scouting is the excellent movement for all young people and he encouraged every city of Taiwan should develop scouting. In this occasion, Mayor Lai received the Messengers of Peace (MoP) scarf from Scouts of China (Taiwan) and become a messenger of peace.
We hope more and more young people in Taiwan join us and develop the PEACE project with us, AND don't forget to visit Tainan city and try the delicious food of Tainan.
Photos courtesy of Cheng Yu Sheng