Make conscious about "Stop Racism & Build Peace"..
Hello my name is Subham Roy, I'm a scouter of Bharat Scouts And Guides and a proud Indian also. I'm a resident of Howrah district in state of West Bengal. So there are many challenges for scouts to make everything sustainable. We are taking a small initiative to "end racism & build Peace". We were celebrated "Raksha Bandhan" with the common citizens of locality.. They are many different cast, many backgrounds, but they all are human and we believe in humanity only.. So we tie them a friendship band (rakhi) in their hand and also tie scarf and make conscious about friendship, peace and anti racism and scouting movement also. I know my English language is little weaker but I think you guys are understand what I say.. #masengerofpeace #mopindia #youthmovement #bsgindia