South Africa

Litter Warriors: Youth Cleaning Up!

2nd Plumstead Sea Scouts, spent some time during their end of term meeting, and went down the train station up the road from their regular meeting place. Each Patrol had a black bag that they needed to fill up with dirt that they found around the station. This train station in particular is one that is used frequently, therefore there was quite a bit of litter that had piled up from the week. Not only the public, but our scouts also use this mode of transport for many of their activities and felt that it was time that they gave back to their direct community, being the Plumstead area. Our scouts had loads of fun while helping their community and in turn their environment! #litterlesscampaign #scoutsforsdgs #scoutssouthafrica #scoutswesterncape
Youth Engagement
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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