Israel Scouts for all: Special needs in the Israel Scouts

Israel Scouts for all: Special needs in the Israel Scouts

The Israel Scouts currently have approximately 3000 participants with different disabilities involved across all of the movement's activities.

For the first time: Integration of visually and hearing-impaired participants

Launched last year, the program's purpose is to integrate participants with visual and hearing impairments in Israel Scouts activities like all other children of the same age.

At the end of last year, 60 such participants were already fully involved in our activities and September saw a further 20 participants join the Israel Scouts.

Our leaders are specially trained in sign language and, if necessary, a sign language translator joins our activities.

Integration of participants with behavioral special needs

This year, we started to integrate participants with behavioral difficulties into the movement's activities. In September, we opened two groups led by leaders who have been trained on behavioral special needs both by the movement and the participants' schools.

Alongside the new groups, participants with behavioral special needs are also being integrated into existing groups with personal supervision.


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