Inspiration From Eagle Scout

Inspiration From Eagle Scout

Being Able to memorize the text of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution is not a remarkable thing. But this will be a special memory for this Banjarnegara-born daughter. Yes, Ifli Fateah served as the reciter of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution at the ceremony of 56th Scout Day of Kwartir Cabang (19/9). She had to recite it in front of 1500 ceremonial participants and vice regents and high officials of Banjarnegara district. When asked how she felt when assigned to duty, she said: "I answer that i am ready, because in accordance to the motto of a Garuda Boy Scouts that is to always be loyal-Ready," she said while laughing, reliefing herself after the duty. The daughter of Mr. Ahmad Suparno and mother Siti Nangimah born in Banjarnegara 7 April 2000, is the eldest of 3 children. She is quite active in Scout organizations such as Dewan Ambalan, Unit Bantu Pertolongan Pramuka, and Pramuka Peduli. But she does not just forget his duty as a student. Proven he was always ranked in the big 5 of her class. "Learning is the main obligation and is a mandate given by our parents and they will not mind us joining an organization if we discipline to set the time," she explained while smiling. At the end of her meeting with us, after the Raimuna Nasional of Year 2017, she who aspires to be a Navy / Kowal soldier have always hope that scout can always be a place for educative, creative, and innovative character building to explore the potential of the young generation. (Rakhmat Nur Ilmi)
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