Indonesian Scouts Spread Giant Flag on a Lake
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Indonesian Scouts Spread Giant Flag on a Lake

Coinciding with the commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17th August 2016, members of the Water Activity committee of the Gerakan Pramuka 10th National Scout Jamboree successfully spread a giant Indonesia “Red and White” flag was on Lake Situbaru. This is a legendary lake located in the Cibubur Scout Campsite, east of Jakarta. Even the campsite name as Wiladatika Scout Campsite as now, the area was originally called Situbaru Campsite. The name was used when it was organized the first National Scout Jamboree by Gerakan Pramuka in 1973. The campsite itself is a former 210 hectares rubber plantation area of Tanjung Oost (the named given in the colonial era and meaning Cape East), granted by Indonesian President Soeharto to Gerakan Pramuka to be used as scouting activities area. While there is no water activities on 17th August 2016, members of Water Activities in the National Scout Jamboree, used their time to commemorate the Independence Day by spreading the giant Red and White flag in the lake. Supported by the instructors from Air Defense Battallion from Indonesian Army, members who mostly Rovers (Pramuka Penegak 16-20 years old) and Senior Rovers (Pramuka Pandega 21-25 years old) successfully unfurled Red and White flag measuring 20 x 10 meters above the waters of Lake Situbaru. Although it was initially difficult unfurled completely, due to fairly strong wind, but they time keep trying. Starting with a number of members who deliberately fell into the water to carrying the flag, while others are getting on a boat, they spread the flag slowly. After almost perfectly held by those who are in the boat, they pulled into the four corners, so that the Red and White flag is unfurled it. All participant including spectators and supervisors who watched from the edge of the lake, then standing in impeccable manners, salute and sing the Indonesia national anthem "Indonesia Raya". This is one unique and memorable way to celebrating the Indonesia Independence Day. Photo by: Mutiara Adriane and Cepnuh Nuryaman, Indonesia Scout Journalist
Youth Engagement

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