Greater Reggional Scout Council Patrol Leaders Course

Greater Reggional Scout Council Patrol Leaders Course

The Greater Accra Regional Scout Council of Ghana Organise a three day Patrol Leaders' training at Sakyikrom,the Ghana Scout Association Training center called Sam Wood training center from the 14th October to 16th October 2016.The training drew 45 scouts between the ages of 11 to 15 from the Greater Accra Region.The scouts were taken through topics such as ;Patrol management,Record Keeping,Court of Honour,Patrol Activities and Games,How to Draw Patrol Programs,First Aid.Scout were put into patrols to have the practical experience of the patrol system set up.A scout own was held on the last day for the scout to appreciate religion.The aims of the training were as follows: -To appreciate the patrol system -For scouts to be self-reliant -To foster unity among tthe scout. -To create a network of scouts from various district of Greater Accra regon of Ghana
Personal safety

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