Ghana Scout Association organizes Woodbadge Training for leaders
The Ghana Scout Association organized a Woodbadge training course for leaders from Thursday, April 21st to Tuesday, April 25th21st to 26th April at the Sam Woode Training Centre in Sakyikrom, Nsawam for 34 leaders from the various regions of Ghana. The Wood Badge course is an advanced leadership course which aims to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills and also inspiring them to be more committed to the Scout movement.
The course director was Mr. Richard Makhaahkha Iyaya from the Kenya Scout Association, who was seconded by the World Scout Bureau, Africa Support Centre. Other members of the training team were the Chief Commissioner of Ghana Scout Association, Mr. Gregory Manful, the deputy chief commissioner, the executive commissioner, the international commissioner, the training Commissioner and programmes commissioner.
The Chief Commissioner in his opening address noted that the much -anticipated programme was being held again for the first time in eleven years. He urged the participants most of whom are key leaders of the Association to take the training very seriously, as it will help shape their lives positively.
The participants were taken through topics such as orienteering, leadership styles, dangers of drug abuse, pioneering, the Sscout methods, how to set up a Sscout group, child protection and safety, first aid etc.
As part of the training requirements, participants embarked on 65 kilometers overnight hike in patrols and camped at Otukojokrom, a village near Nsawam and returned the following day to the training centre, using compass and map to find their bearing. Each patrol offered community service as part of the hike. They also identified key features and gathered important historical and cultural facts as they embarked on their hiking route which formed part of their report. Participants sensitized such communities about Scouting and initiated steps to open Scout groups there.
For their community project assignment, the participants imparted some of the lessons learnt at the training to educate a community on HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, girl-child education and hand washing. By way of doing a good turn, one patrol weeded around a road sign post bearing the name of one of the towns which had been covered by long grass to make it visible to drivers and pedestrians.
In his closing remarks, the course director, congratulated the participants for their hardwork and display of leadership qualities. He encouraged the leadership of the Ghana Scout Association to build upon the success of the training to ensure sustained growth.