The Cheerful Scouts and Spirit of Volunteerism for Brigada Eskwela 2015 Philippines

The Cheerful Scouts and Spirit of Volunteerism for Brigada Eskwela 2015 Philippines

Cheerful Scouts of Cabanatuan City Council while helping cleaning classrooms for this year's Brigada Eskwela 2015. Brigada Eskwela, the program brought together teachers, parents and community members every third week of May to work together in repairing and preparing public schools for school opening. In the spirit of bayanihan, private Institutions/individuals and even the local government units contributed in generating resources for the effort. During the week-long event, volunteers take time out in doing minor repairs, painting, and cleaning of school campuses. Over the years, the Brigada Eskwela effort has evolved from a week-long cleaning-up and beautification exercise to a festive coming together of students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups private sector and volunteers. It, too, has become one of major initiatives in enjoining local communities to respond to the needs of public schools and be part of a nationwide effort towards improving Philippine basic education. This was made possible by the hard work and determination of school heads in finding innovative ways to bring children to school, keep them there, and ensure that they will learn.

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