BSG Monthly Membership Growth Meeting (virtual)
17th September 2022 (10 A.M.) : .
Monthly Membership Growth Meeting with Regional Office :
A virtual meeting was held at NHQ,BSG, INDIA on 17th Sep 22 morning regarding the corcern's being faced by BSG at different regional areas and states for establishing its membership among youth population with in touch with all the official members at concerned positions.The agenda's which where kept in light was :
1. Basic Training courses within all the states,its implementation dates and progress report via each state growth coordinators.
2. Local Team Building of Coordinators in the Districts/local associations within states.
3. Understand the progress of Growth at present with the targets assigned for the year from each regional states.
Members :
1. Shri S. Prassanna Shrivastava, WOSM Consultant
2. Shri Krishnaswamy R, Executive Director
3. Shri Madhusudan, Addn. International Commissioner & NSO Growth Coordinator
4. Shri Arup Sarkar, Dy. Director (Boy Programme)
5. Shri Sarathraj, Project Manager Membership Growth
6. Shri Shitanshu Mishra, Assistant Project Manager Membership Growth
7. Smt. Sumeeta Datta, Assistant, Membership Growth
Attendees :
1. Shri Analendra Sarma, Assistant Director Northeast Region 2
. Shri Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director Eastern Region
3. Smt Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director Southern Region
4. Ms Shivangi Saxena, Assistant Director Central & Western Region
1.From Phase I Activity Status, out of the 8 Focus States, 7 States have submitted their proposal to conduct the Local Team Building Coordinators Workshop. West Bengal has already completed the training, and the rest States are in the process. Odisha State has also submitted their plan for the Basic Unit Leader Course.
2. From Phase II Activity Status, we have selected 7 States to complete the given target, and the place of 8 States are vaccant; for this, the Membership Growth Cell is waiting for the Core Committee meeting so the Committee members will take the significant decisions and allocation of the Quota to the States.
3. Active involvement of all the Assistant directors's regional.
4. All the Regional Heads will design a tracker for the trainees who took training of basic courses,after the basic course if they are going for an advanced course or open any unit, they have their proper records through the tracker.
5.The Regional Headquarters will plan the Basic Courses State Wise; they can also emphasize the weaker section, and the Growth Cell will support the Region.