After 35 Years, The WOSM Flag Flown Again
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After 35 Years, The WOSM Flag Flown Again

Some time ago, some members of the Indonesian Scout Journalists (ISJ) community, managed to save a number of artifacts in ruins at the Scout Campsite Warehouse in Cibubur, East Jakarta. Among the rescue are the flag of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), and the Indonesia National Scout flag. The flags which been saved came in two sizes, large-sized approximately 2 x 3 meters (not 4 x 6 meters as previously we guess), and the smaller size of about 1 x 1.5 meters. It is believed that all the flags were hoisted on the main mast Cibubur Campsite, during the National Jamboree 1981 which is also the 6h Asia-Pacific Jamboree. When calculated since it was first used and flown in Cibubur Campsite, the flags have been 35 years old, but the conditions are still pretty good, it's just a dirty full of mud and other scars. That is why, after being rescued the next effort is to try to cleaning the flags. We did not know what to do next, until we had the opportunity to hoist the flags again. We did it at the Main Stadium Gelanggang Olahraga Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, which have the largest football stadium in the South East Asia. The stadium was officially opened in the opening ceremony of the 4th Asian Games in 1962. Now, in order to welcome the 18th Asian Games in 2018, the stadium will be closed and renovated. The manager of the stadium gave the public an opportunity to enjoy the main stadium for the last time on Sunday, 5h June 2016, before it was closed and renovated. In that historic stadium, we have the opportunity to hoisted the WOSM and the Indonesia National Scout flags. We also had a small parade, and even made a “victory lap” run on the track at the stadium with those two flags. Before it closed and renovated, the “number one” sport stadium in Indonesia, has witnessed that we successfully flown again the WOSM dan the Indonesia National flags Scouts back after 35 years it was hoisted at Cibubur Campsite. We flown the flags with a full Scout pride. Photo: Mutiara Adriane, member the Indonesia Scout Journalist.
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