The 5th National Conference of the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine
The 5th National Conference of the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine took place last weekend on the 4-5 of June. During the Conference several strategic documents were approved as well as the National Youth Program of the Organization. A new National Board was elected for the next three years.
The election results are the following: the Head of the National Board is Valeriy Tantsyura, the Deputy Head is Volodymyr Izvarin, the International Commissioner - Veronika Gorovska, the National Secretary of the Organization - Natalia Miroshnychenko.
We want to thank for help and support Regional Director of the World Scout Bureau Eurasia Support Centre Mr. Iurie Emilian.
We all congratulate you and wish you successful work for the next three years and believe in a better future for the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine.