3rd’s Own Homecoming Campfire

3rd’s Own Homecoming Campfire

The inaugural 3rd’s Own Homecoming Campfire was held on May 1, 2015 at SK St. Paul, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The event themed, “Legacy”, was held with an objective to bring back all the past scouts of St Paul's Institution, and at the same time to raise funds for the 3rd's Own Scouting Development Fund to promote scouting activities and programs to benefit Cubs, Scouts and Rovers. With a wonderfully executed May Campfire. Cub Scouts, Rovers Senior scouts who left St Paul's Institution way back in the 80's came together to support this event with some participating in some memorable scout songs. . This campfire, which marked 92 years of Paulian Scouting celebration, was the most looked forward event by our CHIEF, the West Seremban Rover Crew B Adviser Lee Kok Keong.
Youth Engagement

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