2020和平使者計畫種子研習營 2020 Messengers of Peace Taiwan - Local Coordinators Training
和平使者計畫(Messengers of Peace,以下簡稱MoP)為世界童軍總部於各國童軍青少年活動的重點發展活動之一,希望藉由多元教育的模式讓更多的青少年尊重不同人種及宗教、改善貧窮、教育及基本生存資源的不平等、促進環境保護等,並借青年力量來渲染全世界,創造更美好的世界。世界童軍總部也鼓勵各國童軍積極將MoP與聯合國永續發展目標結合,使得全世界青少年皆有機會為世界盡一份心力。
「從這次MoP種子訓練營瞭解到SDGs的17個目標及意義,希望很快能有機會結合其他在地的NGO組織一起合作,將MoP力量發揮到最大。」 - 花蓮縣第99團洄瀾社區童軍團 - 林群耀
「此次活動令人受益良多,從最一開始的MoP起源開始,ㄧ步步的帶我們了解到這項童軍活動的意義,在下午的互動課程中,由主持人帶領我們用實際的行動了解MoP的四大過程,並了解了實際運用會發生的問題。這一天下來的研習讓我受益良多,期待下次再次參與這類的活動。」- 臺北市第49團普門佛光童軍團 - 黃醴萬
「透過重新凝聚自己對於美好世界、和平的想像,找到行動的初心與啟發。」- 臺中市30團/龍族社會童軍團-許安村
「此次活動令人受益良多,從最一開始的MoP起源開始,ㄧ步步的帶我們了解到這項童軍活動的意義,在下午的互動課程中,由主持人帶領我們用實際的行動了解MoP的四大過程,並了解了實際運用會發生的問題。這一天下來的研習讓我受益良多,期待下次再次參與這類的活動。」- 新竹市山風複式童軍團 - 吳融浚
「這次的MoP種子訓練營讓我學到許多有系統的提案方法,和實際操作時可能面臨的困境及如何解決,使我在下次要發想MoP活動時能有更進步的成果。」- 新竹市山風複式童軍團 - 曾品叡
On August 29, 2020, the Scouts of China cooperated with the Hualien Scout Council to conduct the 1st 2020 Messengers of Peace Taiwan - Local Coordinators Training at Hua-gang Junior High School at Hualien County. A total of 26 partners participated, including deputy secretary-general of TGASC - Chang Wen-shing, chairman of the National Rover and Youth Committee - Yang Yung-Chin, secretary-general of the Hualien Scout Council - Yang Chen-Rong, director of the Hualien Scout Council - Ke Deng-Xiang, Lin Dong-Xing, and Wei Zheng-hua, MoP Taiwan NSO coordinator - Sherman Sheng and the MoP team attended the opening ceremony.
The Messengers of Peace (MoP) is one of the key development activities of the Scout Youth Activities of the WOSM. It is hoped that more youths will respect different races and religions through a multi-educated model. Improve poverty, education, and the inequality of basic living resources, promote environmental protection, etc., and use the power of youth to exaggerate the world and create a better world. The WOSM also encourages Scouts from all countries to actively integrate MoP with sustainable development goals, so that young people around the world have the opportunity to contribute to the world.
In line with the promotion of the new courses of study of the Ministry of Education in 108 years, the MoP is more in line with the multicultural and international understanding of "social participation", enabling young people to respect and appreciate multiculturalism, actively relate to world issues, grasp the arteries of the times, and develop internationally Understanding, multicultural values and world peace of mind.
In addition, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have been implemented in the World Scouting Programs in the past, including the MoP, the World Scout Environmental Education Program, and the World Scout Medal. The purpose is to attract young people’s attention to world issues. Let young people implement plans for different global issues, and give full play to the spirit of "learning by doing, doing by learning", and then creating a better world.
There are two important targets and responsibilities for handling the 2020 Messengers of Peace Local coordinators Training in this time. The first, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic this year, countries around the world have awakened to pay more attention to disease health and epidemic prevention and medical care. For disease health, it must start from the environment and life. Good health and social welfare are highlighted in the United Nations sustainable development goals. The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has also awakened how we can let young people deeply understand the relationship between health and the environment in educational actions. The second is that Hualien is located in the eastern part of Taiwan. The usual means of transportation is by train. The eastern part is time-consuming and labor-intensive due to the terrain. Although the information network is far-reaching, action learning is still due to transportation and economic problems. Therefore caused many partners gave up study activities that are willing to study activities in the west. Feeling of such obstacles, we handling this MOP local coordinators training in Hualien at the last moment of the summer vacation when the epidemic was slightly relieved.
We have also received the sharing of learning experience from our partners during the study:
"From this MoP training, I learned about the 17 goals and meanings of SDGs. I hope that I will soon have the opportunity to cooperate with other local NGOs to maximize the power of MoP." - Lin Qun-Yao, troop 99 (Hualien Community Scout Group), Hualien Scout Council.
"This activity has a lot of benefits for me. Starting from the beginning of MoP, it took us step by step to understand the mean of this Scouting activity. In the afternoon interactive course, the host led us to use practical Action to understand the four major processes of MoP, and to understand the problems that will happen what is in the actual application. I look forward to participating in this type of activity again next time.” - Wu, Rong-Jun, Troop 80, Hsinchu City Scout Council.
"By reuniting my imagination of a beautiful world and peace, I found the original intention and inspiration for action." - Xu an-tsun troop 30, Taichung City Scout Council.
"This MoP training had taught me a lot of systematic proposal methods, and the difficulties that may be faced in actual operation and how to solve them, so that I can have more progressive results when I want to post MoP activities next time.” - Zeng Pin-rui, troop 80, Hsinchu City Scout Council.
Editor: MOP Taiwan Local Coordinator, Hualien Scout Council, Shen Fang-Yu
Edit correction: Sherman Sheng