2014 Scout / Pfadfinder  Jamboree On the Air (JOTA)  and Jamboree On the Internet (JOTI)
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2014 Scout / Pfadfinder Jamboree On the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree On the Internet (JOTI)

„Hello to all Scouts and Pathfinders from all over the world. We would like to introduce ourselves. We are the Scouts of Namibia!” This is what the radio amateurs read when they open the Website www.QRZ.com with the Namibian Scout call sign V55JOTA. Every year hundreds of Scouts and Pathfinders try to come together on the air and the internet to spread the message of peace and tolerance. This always happens on the 3rd October weekend. But this time it was different. Very different. After 3 long years of planning and building, the Radio Amateur Scout Club Station was officially opened by Michael "Rambo" Rudloff (Namibian Scout Jota and Joti coordinator) and Jim Kastelic (Namibian Scout Deputy Chief) Rambo was totaly exited. Many hours of work and sweat went in this fantastic project. But every second was worth it. In the past we only used a homemade multiband dipole or sometimes a little 2 "butternut" beam. Don't get me wrong, they performed really good. But if you compare them to a 17 element Yagi beam (OB17-4) on a 25m (75ft) tower, things are a little bit different. Our Jota and Joti event started on Friday 12h00. A few scouts from 500Km distend Tsumeb and Otjiwarongo were on their way to us here in the capital city of Windhoek and would join us later the day. In the meanwhile Rambo had one more time to climb the antenna tower to secure a loose bolt. But after he was done the Jota group fired up the station and went ballistic...! This was sooo cool. Not to compare with the last few Jotas where you had to modify something here and something there....! No, this time everything was just spot on. The SWR was great on all 4 bands, the rotator was good and then we took off. We called 2-3 times with our National Call sign V55JOTA und were busy with our first pileup. We were called from everywhere and most stations we talked to gave us 59, 59+ and 59++ as RST. This went on for hours and we had the feeling that there were sparks coming out of our antenna. Our Joti group next door could only hear letters, numbers and Q-codes coming out of our shack and were properly thinking we are " not lekker in die Kop..." (Mad) A few of our Scouts trained for quite some time to obtain there scout radio badge. They were sitting in the shack and watched Rambo log one station after another one. One of them was Robert von Blottnitz. Without any hesitation or problems he took the microphone and started calling and talking as if it was the natural thing to do...! after 10min he took over the national scout station and worked and logged stations by himself. Rambo was happy Robert took over. He quickly got himself something to eat, squeezed a liter Juce down his throat, checked how the Joti team performed and went back to the radio shack. Robert enjoyed the pileup and handled it very well. One of the mail goals was, breaking the QSO-Record (54) of Seraina (Otjiwarongo Scout Group). Quite a few scouts stayed overnight at Scouts HQ. There was no time to go home or do something ells. No there was only a pileup to be handled and many chat´s to respond to… As soon as you enter the main howl you could hear the noisy sound of keyboards clicking and words like OE3J, 57 QLS…. coming out of the radio shack next door. Now and then you could hear a Joti scout say: “ Ehy cool, I got another scout. Does anyone know where Oman is?” The Joti team was unstoppable and at the front Katja von Blottnitz who performed like possessed. At 04h00 the last light was put out and boy were we out…! But time didn´t stand still and after a very long sleep of a full 3,5 hours, the night was over. After a good breakfast we returned to our battle stations and prepared for the visit of the Namibian Voortrekkers for their annual Hou Koers event. 09h00 and the first Voortrekkers arrived, 30m later all of them were in the shack and our first QSO on the 40m band was logged. In the next half an hour we logged another few QSO´s on the band but that was it. The 40m band was not open so we moved to the 10m band (28Mhz) and guys… Here was the party…!!!!! Michael “Rambo” looked for a clear frequency, called 1 or 2 times… and we were back in a new pileup. We had a few QSO´s so the Voortrekker could see and learn how it was done and then it was there turn to talk to the world. Most of the Voortrekkers took the microphone and talked to scouts in Finland, Poland, Brasil and so on. All of them were most exited and we had a lot of fun together. Just bevore 12h00 we went back to the 40m band the here the “boodskap” massage from the Voortrekker HQ in South Africa. The band was still not very open but at least we could hear the Voortrekker HQ station. At 13h00 the Voortrekker said farewell and thanked us for being here. Next year they will be definitely back. The next few hours we logged Qso for Qso and it seemed to us the pileup would not stop. In this time another few scouts did their radio Badge. Vladimiro (7. WHK), Flo (5.WHK), Abigail und Melina (Otjiwarongo with big applause). Seraina who already worked the National Jota station last year and know exactly what to do, took over. Together with her sister Melina and her friend Abigail these 3 girls tackled these QSO´s like there is no tomorrow. In the meanwhile scouts were coming and going.. A few guest and family members came over and wanted to see what was going on at scout HQ. Jens Strödike(Guest) was stunned when he saw the station and witnessed how the scouts turned the big antenna with a electrical rotator towards Brazil. They heard a Station calling from Curacao, a lil island just of the shore of Venezuela. Well, the scouts responded to the Curacao call sign and then had a nice QSO (Talk) with this station. Really exited were we when the Austrian scout station OE3J called us. Seraina had a short QSO last year with them and they wrote a very nice article about us in the internet forum. All other stations had to wait about half an hour before we were finished with them…. ! At about 18h00 most of the scouts went home. Needles to say, everybody was exhausted but happy. Only the older scouts stayed again over night and kept doing their Jota and Joti thing. The most important thing for Rambo was the supper….! 20h00 sharp Vera and Reinward Doergeloh served supper. BBQ….!!!! What a relive!!!! Together with some Sandwiches and a big fruit salad afterwards… everything was just fine. After supper the energy was back and of we were to get more contacts. From 22h00 till 03h30 in the morning Jim Kastelic und Rambo took over the Jota station and next door 4 of our Joti-scouts staid over night and were still chatting…!!! Over the next 5,5 hours we made contact with scouts in Indonesia, the Philippines and had a lot of Japanese Stations coming in. At 03h30 Jim and Rambo were KO!!! Lights out and that was it. (For Now) The next morning… Same as the one before. After 4 hours of sleep, the night was over. We all hab a good breakfast and returned to our Station, Computers and laptops. We managed to survive the last 4 hours of really extreme QSO-ing and chatting and at 12h00 it was all over. We were done, KO, kaput, allealle…! But we were happy. What a great JAMBOREE ON THE AIR & JAMBOREE ON THE INTERNET. WOW!!! While everyone was helping cleaning up, Rambo went through the logbook to tell us the results. JOTI GROUPE: Last year we didn´t do that much with the Computers, so we do not have a precise count of countries we have talked to. But this year we proudly can say that our Joti team had 755 scout-contacts in 41 different countries. Katja von Blottnitz had the most logged contacts (210) and was the winner of this Namibian-Joti event. JOTA GROUPE: Last year we had 703 QSO´s (contacts) 54 of these contacts were done alone by Seraina(13yo). This year we managed to get 1010 QSO´s in 74 different countries. Seraina “upgraded” her record to stunning 202 QSO´s operated all by herself. Of this 1010 contacts 51 were JOTA stations. We will be back in another 365 days, ready to spread the message of peace and tolerance to the rest of the world. Best 73´s

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