Messengers of Peace Promotion at “Raimuna Daerah V Sumatera Barat” - The 5th West Sumatera Provincial Rover Moot

Messengers of Peace Promotion at “Raimuna Daerah V Sumatera Barat” - The 5th West Sumatera Provincial Rover Moot

West Sumatera is the name of a province located in Sumatera Island, the western part of Indonesian archipelago. After 10 years of absence, the West Sumatra Provincial Scout Headquarter held “Raimuna Daerah V Sumatera Barat” - The 5th West Sumatera Provincial Rover Moot; more commonly called as RAIDA SUMBAR. “RAIDA” stands for “Raimuna Daerah” while the word “SUMBAR” is the abbreviation of Sumatera Barat. This event was held 21-26 December 2014 at Padang Besi Campground, West Sumatera. It was an honor for Messengers of Peace Indonesia to get invited and directly assist the MoP Promotion at a provincial-level rover moot. The presence of Messengers of Peace West Sumatera Provincial Coordinator (as one of the ‘product’ of Messengers of Peace Team-Indonesia Gathering held on 9-13 April 2014) makes things easier. The Messengers of Peace promotion itself was done in 2 days, 21 & 24 December with the help of West Sumatra Provincial Rover Scouts Council. The first promotion (8am-12pm, 21 December) was directly assisted by Messengers of Peace National Coordinator – Venny Indri Christiyanti, while the second one (24 December) was presented by Octari Annisa, Messengers of Peace West Sumatera Provincial Coordinator. As many as 160 participants – each promotional activity was attended by 80 participants; boys and girls – followed the sessions very well and they are all enthusiastic and curious about MoP, particularly when it comes to MoP International Platform. It is understood since most of them come from the regencies and some of them ‘just’ heard about MoP and a bit familiar with it without really knowing what MoP is all about. Some MoP videos are presented and MoP souvenirs were given to those who were active during the session and able to answer the questions correctly. During the session we emphasized that peace is not always related to war and conflict, but more to something related to us and existing within us. Understanding peace could be started from the simplest way; that’s why each participant was asked to write “What Peace Means to You” on a piece of paper, in local language. The answer is various – most of them stated that peace is when things are going right and they are free from problems; even if problems are there but they can solve those problems, it already bring peace to them. Participants were a bit too enthusiastic so that they kind of ‘force’ us to listen to them one by one! :D After 4 hours, the session was closed by practicing MoP Indonesia Dance ̶ and surprisingly, once seemed to be not enough for them; they asked for more! So much thanks to West Sumatera Rover Scouts, we definitely learned a lot from you guys :)
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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