Troop 1206 Contacted 43 countries During JOTA-JOTI

Troop 1206 Contacted 43 countries During JOTA-JOTI

Troop 1206 JOTI-JOTA map of contacts made during the event. After buying more pins we have all our contacts finally marked on the map. A total of 43 countries were contacted : USA (HI, OR, WA, MT, CO, OK, SC, MA, IA) Canada (Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick), Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Tahiti, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Uganda, South Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, United Kingdom (Wales, England, Scotland), Portugal, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Serbia, Malta, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand

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