Profile picture for user Manny_Almaraz_1
Manuel Almaraz Navarrete
Service hours
Service Projects
2 years ago
Project 47328 16

MAYABMOOT 2020: La leyenda volverá

Create a once-in-a-lifetime outdoor living experience, on a journey through the different ecosystems of the Mayab lands to learn about and value the cultural...
Read more about MAYABMOOT 2020: La leyenda volverá
2 years ago
Project 5724 6

Jalíderes: Encuentro Provincial de Jóvenes Líderes

Youth participation in decision-making is a process that ensures that young people have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, creates volunteer...
Read more about Jalíderes: Encuentro Provincial de Jóvenes Líderes
2 years ago
Project 1206 1

Dream, plan and live your projects.

The motivation to carry out this project was the lack of a project management learning system in my scout group, where we took models from different places to...
Read more about Dream, plan and live your projects.
Vitreus: manejo y reciclaje de vidrio
5 years ago
Project 234 1

Vitreus: manejo y reciclaje de vidrio

ESPAÑOL El vidrio a pesar de no ser uno de los principales residuos contaminantes del planeta, si es uno de los que más espacio en áreas verdes ocupa, la...
Read more about Vitreus: manejo y reciclaje de vidrio