Impact Innovators

Navigating our World

Innovation is not just about creating new things; it is about transforming our world. It’s like a powerful engine that drives us to find solutions to everyday challenges, fostering creativity and strategic thinking. Through innovation, young people learn to approach problems with a fresh perspective and develop action plans that make a real difference in our communities.

That is why it is our responsibility to cultivate and harness young people’s innovative potential. By nurturing creativity and strategic thinking, young people can solve pressing issues, improve communities, and inspire others to lead with impact.

Life leaders learning path

Why the Impact Innovators challenge?

The challenge aims to equip a generation of young people with innovation and creative problem-solving skills for life, so that they can take meaningful action to solve problems for people and the planet in their communities, underpinned by ambition and values of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Through this challenge we want to give young people the toolkit to be active citizens in their community by innovating solutions to community challenges using design thinking techniques. 

Learning through innovation, means developing a range of cognitive, behavioural, and socio-emotional competencies. By developing creative problem-solving abilities, Scouts will develop holistic competencies can be applied towards personal goals, professional goals, and action for sustainability. 

As a final step in the challenge, a community service project needs to be implemented by the young people applying for the badge. It's the main purpose of the challenge, where all the knowledge and skills gained are put into action, creating a real and positive impact in community.

How can we implement the challenge?

A Challenge Pack will soon be available on this page to support leaders in implementing the challenge with their Scouts, to help them earn their challenge badge. Stay tuned!

Learning Objectives: What young people will learn along the way?

The learning objectives of each challenge not only aim to educate and inspire but also to empower individuals, guiding them step by step on a journey tailored to their age. This personal progression ensures that each young person's knowledge evolves from one activity or project to another and builds competencies for sustainable development.

Learning objectives impact innovators

Our partners

Alwaleed Philanthropies
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World Largest Lesson Logo