SCENES Accreditation

What is SCENES?
SCENES are WOSM-certified centres that have made a long-term commitment to protect the environment and promote environmental understanding. SCENES are places that share specific characteristics and are committed to implementing certain practices.
This includes:
- Natural areas
- Have sufficient natural habitat to support native species.
- Offer opportunities for young people to experience and connect with the natural world.
- Provide a place for independent and autonomous learning experiences, unstructured play, and exploration in nature.
- Environmental education
- Offer environmental education based on the principles and aims of Scouting’s environmental education.
- Provide opportunities to learn about the natural features of the centre and the surrounding natural environment:
- Facilitating guided and unguided environmental learning and experiences
- Conduct a regular review and continuous development of the environmental learning experiences.
- Share environmental practices with guests.
- Provide opportunities to learn about other SCENES.
- Offer education on sustainable development opportunities and raise awareness about the 17 SDGs.
- Offer education that complements the Earth Tribe initiative and/or other environmentally focused programmes.
- Encourage participants to engage with local communities in solving environmental challenges.
- Environmental management
- Have adopted and implemented an environmental policy that:
- considers the principles of environmental education in Scouting through the Earth Tribe Initiative
- protects environmentally sensitive areas of the centre
- reviews and acts to reduce the centre’s environmental footprint.
- Recognised by the NSO/NSA of the country in which the Scout Centre operates.
- Embrace ongoing improvement through self-assessment and peer assessment.
- Establish appropriate links and partnerships with local environmental agencies, organisations, and projects.
- Ensure the centre’s active engagement in the SCENES network (participation in meetings, open communication channels with other centres, etc.).
Why an accreditation to protect nature, environment, and sustainability?
The certification attests to the status, the high-quality, and attaining a specific standard that applies internationally for Scout Centres around the world. We understand a Scout Centre as a site or place where people can enjoy natural spaces and use the infrastructure to immerse in the benefits of outdoor life and programmes affiliated with an NSO in the country. As SCENES accreditation place a serious emphasis on eco-friendly operations and environmental education, Scouts are required to oversee these aspects of a centre’s operation for it to obtain the SCENES accreditation.
While it comes with responsibilities, accreditation has many benefits when this level of commitment is established. These benefits include:
- International recognition from WOSM of the environmental education, management, and practices at the Scout Centre.
- Alignment with the global agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and education for a sustainable development framework.
- Support through a network of experts from other Scout Centres for the implementation of best practices.
- Visibility for potential partners interested in joining efforts and/or supporting environmental practices.
SCENES and the SDGs
SCENES are also a unique way through which Scouting contributes to the SDGs. SCENES are examples of excellence in what green living, responsible consumption, and education for sustainable development can look like. The practices are exemplified through low energy consumption, renewable energy use, water resources management, ecosystem protection, etc. Coupled with their environmental education offering, SCENES are models in sustainable development across the world.
SCENES engage young people in contributing to and achieving the SDGs, while the SDGs remain a benchmark for SCENES to continue to improve their operations, policies, and programmes.

SCENES Components
- SCENES practices
The principles, practices, and requirements that must be fulfilled by a Scout Centre in order to qualify for SCENES.
- SCENES environmental education
SCENES are a fundamental element for the implementation of environmental education and sustainability practices in Scouting and the local community. The framework for environmental education in Scouting is the Earth Tribe initiative and its educational challenges.
- SCENES network
Participation in the SCENES network is required as part of the accreditation. The network supports and empowers its members to help guide the development of SCENES into the future.
- SCENES and community
SCENES have a close relationship with and are supported by their NSOs/NSAs and cooperate with their local communities to pursue environmental protection. SCENES also collaborates with the wider Scout community.
- SCENES administration
A Scout Centre must go through an accreditation process to become SCENES and go through a re-accreditation process every five years to keep the title. This process is managed in partnership with the Scout Centre, their respective NSO/NSA, and WOSM.