Working as a IST Member of World Scout Events ⚜️
I am Member of International Service Team at World Scouts Event.
By the Grace and Blessing of The Almighty, I've got the opportunity to work with the Planning Team & Side Events IT Support Team of 42th World Scout Conference and Planning 14th World Scout Youth Forum ⚜️
42th World Scout Conference and 14th World Scout Youth Forum ⚜️
Project impacts include 1. Internet Connection issue 2. Use of different languages 3. Technical work in connection
You will be understanding more about life in the world and people around the countries. Not only can build friendships also open for youth to raise their voices up for the world. The number of interpretations and shares are as follows: 1. Safe From Harm 2. Be Safe Online 3. Safe From Harm During online 4.D4P 5. Adult in Scouting 6. Leadership For Peace 7. Workshops 9. Evolving the Youth Forum and Conference 10. Leadership in Peace