"AN INNOVATIVE IDEAS /SOLUTIONS : Champion  Level : Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE)  :BSG KARNATAKA _District Association Udupi. India. "

"AN INNOVATIVE IDEAS /SOLUTIONS : Champion Level : Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE) :BSG KARNATAKA _District Association Udupi. India. "

Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE) Champion Level: AN INNOVATIVE IDEAS /SOLUTIONS : I have been discussed with my friends & family members ,identified a key issue about plastic pollution and solution to reduce this pollution by taking small action at home & in our community in day to day life . Plastic Free Refrigerator. Refusing plastic bags and all really on reuse the i.e Paper or Cloth bags. Buy in bulk instead of small food packs. Choose natural plates insted of plastic. Take my own Drinking Water in outdoor. Go biodegradable. Using Glass Bottles/ Fiber instead of plastic ones. Used to keep chocolate rappers in my cloth pouch. Using long lasting Pens/steel pens ;instead of plastic one. Go with eco friendly Decorations, Avoiding balloons, & using Paper Lanterns in festive seasons. Etc. wagggs wosm bsgindia ttpcbsg bsgplasticwarrior ttpcbsg Climate Change United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
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