This particular project was mainly inspired by the pandemic situation that is taking away uncountable lives and the loved once around the globe. the covid 19 situation was worsening and people had to stay inside home. That made me realize that it would directly impact youths in indulging in bad doings and spoil their lives. So, this project was planned and organized to help youths in investing their time in meaningful ways and keep them engaged through out the programs.
The project was done online using zoom meeting and simultaneously going live from official facebook page (Bhutan Scout Network). Almost all the scouts from all 20 districts in the country took part in it from their respective schools initiated by their leaders and teachers in the schools. All the participants actively took in it accordingly with the plan designed earlier like Testing of Scouting Knowledge using Ka hoot, lucky draw, programs from popular youth artists and relevant stakeholders
1. Provided platform for youths to disclose their talents.
2. Helped in fighting back the pandemic related issues.
3. Helped in keeping engaged and invest their time meaningfully.
4.Gave platform all the scouts and non scouts to engage their summer vacation rather then indulging in harmful activities.
This kind of program was done for the first time in the country. Since it was done online, there was some congestion with network specially for the people residing in the remote areas. All in all the program went successful as expected.