Wangige market cleanup and tree planting drive
We are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change and maybe the only one that can do something about it.The nature and the beautiful environs that we are enjoying right now are a result of what our forefathers did,we are the ones who are damaging mother earth while calling it development.We thought of starting our campaign with the market places which needed to be more cleaner and greener and make a diffrence in our community
We were joined by 30 scouts,20 non scouts and 5 scout leaders we held an enviromental discussion ,planted 300trees,did a market cleanup and distributed 1,000 seedballs and 100 seedlings We engaged more than 500 people both the market vendors and some community members ,we inspired 30 scouts to join the green war and rehabilitated a dumpsite.
We learnt that one of the biggest problem facing mother nature is lack of information and ignorance by the public. We learnt the importance of team work and the need of engaging community members in our campaign lastly we also learnt that nothing goes as 100% as planned .