Scouting moving forward
The motivation for this project came from the needs of our Association. We saw that we have a need for a Training for Scout Unit Leaders, since we're having some new Scout Units in our Association, and on many old Units there was a change in the structure. Also, since our previous Strategy was for period 2019 - 2023, we recognized that we need a new Strategy for the Association.
Project had two big activities: Training for Scout Unit Leaders and Strategic Planning Weekend. For both of the activities we organized working teams of volunteers which made sure to cover up all the requested things. The execution of both events went smoothly, because the preparation was executed in a proper way.
We confirmed how important it is to invest into education of members, to improved their leadership skills, so everyone can see the benefits of it.
Also, the strategical planning is recognized as one of the most important things in one organization if it wants to develop in a proper way.