Rovers EnviroSociety Project 2022
Besides making Dalgona coffee and learning beneficial knowledge from TikTok, the priority for a healthy planet and continuous education during the COVID-19 pandemic is undeniable. Even being far away from each other due to remote learning, we aimed to continue our Scouting spirit in serving our community and environment from where we are. Thus, we (KLKM UKM) organized this hybrid project to fulfill our Scouting goals.
This project lasted for a week and had four programs. My friends and I who were studying from home carried out the Clean Your House and Scouts' Preloved Donation programs. We collected items that can be recycled from our homes and neighbors. The items are then sent to a nearest recycling center in our respective areas. We also collected preloved books and clothing from our community to donate them to charity and educational centers.
Through this project, we have continued to keep the relationship with our respective communities and have showed them that we will still be together, lending a helping hand even during tough times. We believe that many other individuals would benefit from our service, especially through books donated to schools or even preloved clothing donated to be recycled and repurposed.
We have learnt to not forsake our planet and this can be done through sustainable consumption. The practice of 3R, 5R or 7R is as important as we move forward with an aim to achieve a sustainable planet. Education must never be stopped and those who suffer to receive education, their sufferings must be eased, even if a person can only contribute through a small effort. It requires a continuous strong teamwork to ensure lifelong education is available for everyone at all times.