Profile picture for user AchmadFarid.A_1

Perkemahan Wirakarya Daerah Kalbar Tahun 2022

West Kalimantan Community Development Camp 2022 activity is held as a means of service and dedication as well as coaching for West Kalimantan rover scouts and senior-rover scouts in order to build society in the form of innovative, creative, educative, recreative and productive activities that can be an inspiration in the community.
This activity is held at Buper Sabang Merah, Sanggau Regency, and attended by 500 Rover Scouts and Senior-Rover Scouts from West Kalimantan. Some activities carried out include planting trees, cleaning and maintaining public facilities, Pramuka Mengajar, and other activities. The event also collaborates with relevant parties such as the Sanggau Regency Government, Sanggau Police, and private entities to participate both morally and materially.
From this activity, West Kalimantan rover scouts and senior-rover scouts participate in helping government programs, the people of Sanggau can benefit from what scouts do and achieve several sustainable development goals.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Health lifestyles
Youth Programme

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