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foresters day 2024 for a sustainable environment

In order to commemorate the Forester's Day which is celebrated on March 7, as well as a form of concern for a sustainable environment and the work program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the West Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Environment Service, and the West Kalimantan Regional Scouts held a Tree Planting event at the West Kalimantan Scout Building.
Prior to the implementation, preparations were made such as coordination meetings between related agencies regarding the trees to be planted and the communities invited to participate in this activity. The trees planted include economically valuable trees and fruit trees. Furthermore, land clearing was carried out for planting and digging planting holes. In the implementation of this activity, more than 100 people attended from various Non-Governmental Organizations and Scouts.
This tree planting was carried out as a greening effort in the campground area and also as an effort to overcome global warming and achieve sustainable development goals.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Better Choice
Nature and Biodiversity
Inner peace and spirituality

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