Outfit 657 in Action: WSEB Aim 2 Nature Art
Outfit 657 continue on their World Scout Environment Badge Journey as they undergo the Aim 2, which they should work toward a worlds where sufficient natural habitat exists to support native species. They do these by undergoing the Nature Art activity. they explore the Local Natural Area, A creek near our school. Scouter Ismael Grantus, a Music, Arts and Physical Education Teacher handles the activity and guides the student towards understanding of ecosystem and the connection of pants, animals and their habitats. After the discussion, Scouter Grantus ask the boys to look for objects in the area, like leaves, twigs, stones or any materials they could use that can be found within the area to make an art and bring them in school. The boys where then given a time to create an Artwork that shows or represent nature and conservations. After they are done with their Artwork, they were ask to present their work and explain to the group what they have done and how it represent nature and conservation.