"PLASTIC PERSUASION : Champion  Level : Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE)  :BSG KARNATAKA _District Association Udupi. India. "

"PLASTIC PERSUASION : Champion Level : Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE) :BSG KARNATAKA _District Association Udupi. India. "

Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge Badge (OFFLINE) Champion Level: PLASTIC PERSUASION One small step will bring about a big change in mindsets of city’s shop owners. We Selected Vendors & shops that we like and visiting, hand overed recycling carry bags to maintain waste management. I have been asked them to reconsider the plastic that they use for selling products on their premises & influenced them to : Segregate waste and educated them on the importance of waste disposal. Importance of using Paper/ Cloth bags instead of plastic. Eliminated the use of plastic carry bags. We all need to make a sincere change and limit polluting the environment in every way we can. We all so Carry out awareness activity to influence the customers to carry their own bags. Create our own bags using old newspaper & old clothes and provided it to the vendor till the customers start getting their own bags for shopping. Invite more scouting members to help you make more bags and join the cause. We told the shopkeeper to use those bags in case of emergency on a payment basis. Ensured that more than one shop should stop providing plastic bags to the customers or replace plastic. wagggs wosm bsgindia ttpcbsg bsgplasticwarrior ttpcbsg Climate Change United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
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Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Good Governance
Global Support Assessment Tool
Communications and Scouting Profile

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