Giving Kindness to SLB Gratis Cahaya Qur'an
Abicena Berbagi is inspired by one of the sunnah of the Prophet in the month of Ramadan, and the values of scouting, namely usefulness, Unity, and empathy. We also realize that there are many people around us who needs our help, one of which is our friends at the SLB Gratis Cahaya Qur'an. By holding this activity, we can obey the Sunnah of the Prophet, the scout law , and uphold the Scout's promise. As well for strengthen our human value.
We started this activity by coordinating with the SLB Gratis Cahaya Qur'an president. Then we started collecting basic necessities from each scout member and students at SMP Pesat Rising Star. In addition to basic necessities, we also collected funds from the students to be distributed to SLB Gratis Cahaya Qur'an. After that we started organizing the flow of the event from the opening, a chat session with SLB friends, to breaking the fast together.
From this activity, we learn that kindness is not only given to ordinary people, but also to people with special needs. And no matter how small, kindness can have a big impact on them. And by forming this event, we train cooperation, empathy, leadership attitudes, and problem-solving skills. And the most important thing is every kindness we do will be paid off with happiness.