Myself Ayaan Merchant as Rover Leader of Salimabad Scout Group. I am convinced to do this project because as we know plastic is destroying our environment, nature, and climate. For that, we organized a junk collection drive in our society. we make creative items using junk like plastic bottles, newspapers, rope, etc, which are valuable and sustainable. My goal is to do this type of activity every 4 months.
The project is executed at Salimabad and our steps to execute. 1-Collection Plastic Material from home to home. 2-Make creative and useful things from plastic. 3-Do Exhibition for Jamat and let them know how to use plastic.
600+ people benefited from this project the impact of the project is some people tell us now we also use plastic bottles in different ways like you all did and our audience encourage us to do such type of project in the future and gave us awareness.
How to reuse plastic in such useful ways and clean our environment to maintain climatic changes.