Profile picture for user joy1malakar

Plant the seeds for a new beautiful world

Plantation of trees is necessary to preserve the environment, as lack of trees is a significant threat to both life and livelihood. In order to address the increasing scarcity of this vital resource, it is essential to stop the widespread practice of deforestation. A treeless environment is a threat to life and livelihood. Therefore, deforestation needs to be stopped and more gals planted to meet the growing shortage of this resource.
We did seed sowing program in our institute grounds. There we plant the seeds of various fruit trees with our rover scout units. Trees contribute significantly to climate regulation, preventing the Earth from turning into deserts, as well as providing the oxygen we need to survive.
This project has been an educational journey for me, highlighting the important role of trees in our environment through tree planting programmes. I learned from the tree planting program how important a role trees play in our environment. I will encourage others including myself to plant and plant trees on a larger scale in the future.
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Clean Energy
Nature and Biodiversity
Global Support Assessment Tool

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