Mission to save the earth from plastic waste.
"Plastic waste and flood disasters are environmental problems that often occur. Therefore, the Enforcement Scouts of SMK PGRI 3 Randudongkal invite the Siaga Scouts of SDN 2 Tanahbaya to carry out activities to clean the school and residential environment in Tanahbaya Village, we can make changes, by building environmental awareness since early."
This activity was carried out involving 15 members of the Enforcement Scouts and 30 members of the Alert Scouts. This activity began with cleaning up plastic waste in the school area of SDN 2 TANAHBAYA. Next, cleaning was carried out along the roads surrounding residents' homes. Finally, the rubbish is collected into one piece and taken to the waste bank of SMK PGRI 3 RANDUDONGKAL so that the next day it can be transported by the Randudongkal village rubbish truck.
Through this project, we all learned to be wiser in using plastic, avoid consumer behavior and respect nature. Apart from that, we also learn that no matter how small the actions we take will have an impact if these actions are carried out consistently. By carrying out this activity, we hope to inspire other people to care about the environment.