Profile picture for user indrakumarigamage
Sri Lanka

Making Compost Pit To Our Home

I wanted a way to remove garbage from our home as our home is situated out of the urban council area. That problem inspired me to do this project
My project was in my home. All my family members, who are scouts, got together and collected some Watahiriya branches. Then, we made a compost pit using them. We made it on 20th of May. After making it, we put all perishable garbage such as various kind of leaves, unusable papers and also unusable foods into it.
After making the compost pit, now, we don't have to think about garbage which are perishable. It is easy to remove them from our home with being usefully to the future too. And also, we get compost from the compost pit and grow plants easily using compost. So, we don't use any kind of organic fertilizer. And also, now there is no need to throw those garbage to the nature. So, we provided an effect which could be harmful to the nature by us
I thought that if every people can make their own compost pit, then there won't be any question to make organic fertilizer. And also, all plants and foods will be healthy and good. By the way, the whole nature will be very safe.
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Number of participants
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Sri Lanka
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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