Hand washing in primary schools - Madagascar

The Handwashing in  Primary Schools project has just started in Madagascar to fight COVID-19 after the acquisition of funds with the Scout Donation Platform (the Dialogue for Peace Fund) and emergency fund (Africa Region). the team has already met, which is composed of Scout leaders and leaders to plan the activities of the project is to help 20 schools.

Hand washing is particularly important in community, such as schools, where infections can spread rapidly from one person to another. Several studies have shown that surfaces in schools and other public places are contaminated with germs causing disease. Hygiene and sanitation are taught in all primary schools. But there is a severe lack of facilities to ensure adequate hygiene in many educational institutions. this is why this project will help the 20 primary schools:

- Manufacture hand washing devices (DLM)

- Implementation of hand washing devices in schools

- Demonstration of hand washing in schools

 -Awareness of good hand washing practice among school children

- Distribution of soap.

In this project, the Scouts want to continue their outreach strategy to promote hand washing as a general hygiene practice to fight against all diseases. This is why we have to choose the primary school to make good practices on hand washing as general practice in 10 schools in Madagascar and to fight against coronavirus

In this project, 20 schools will receive hygiene products and hand washing devices with sensitization. It is in this idea can help groups of schoolchildren to make his hand washing demonstration. The scouts are responsible for conveying the washing of hands so that it will be habits in the school yard, at the time of meals, breaks, ... It’s important to keep your hands clean, especially after you’ve been in the bathroom, before and after every meal, and after you’ve played outside. This helps us avoid germs that can make us sick. We also encourage school children to pass on hand washing techniques to their families and at home.

The Dialogue for Peace program has been integrated into the project development so that the team that will work on the project to develop their dialogue skills to facilitate their introduction into schools and organize activities to help create the culture of local peace at the community level through our action. 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile

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