Profile picture for user jihan amin

Food distribution to poor people.

Inspired by one of the SDG goals, we the rover scouts of our unit along with our unit leader wanted to help poor people by donating food. A scout is always prepared to help other people in any circumstances. So, we 100 rover scouts of our unit donated some money from our own and wanted to help people with food.

We started by buying foods and packing them, we could pack around 250 packets of food. After packing all of the food we went out to donate them. We started walking around certain areas and whenever we saw poor, needy people we donated them food. we also went in some shelter homes where people with physical disabilities to give them some food and love. as a scout is a friend to all so we also gave some food to street dogs. we did this project in two days.

Food is a basic necessity of everyone. But many people in our country are dying in lack of foods. Where many people waste food, so, we as a scout must spread awareness and we in order to fulfil zero hunger SDG, we should always try to donate food to poor, needy people.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme
Peace and Community Engagement
Health and Wellbeing

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