The world conditions plagued by various outbreaks of diseases and viruses cause a number of daily activities to be affected. Due to this, most of the young youths, especially children, are marginalised and they are among those who are susceptible to disease unknowingly. Due to poor activity the body becomes less healthy and unfit.
I have invited the children of the local community to come together and clean the recreational area and the reconciliation place at Berhulu Camp, Serting Ulu Jempol. A total of 22 children helped and participated in cleaning and participated in recreation on the day. They enjoy meeting new friends and together to preserve the local area, especially the area close to the water. Uncollected rubbish is able to affect the river ecosystem and pollute the local area as well as invite other diseases.
The children of the community who participated in them were able to relax and sweat and keep them fit and vibrant in the days to come. In addition, the surrounding areas and recreational areas become safe and clean for use by the community and other members of the public.
The importance of taking care of one's health and preserving the environment. Not for ourselves but for generations to come. They're going to grow up and they're going to be in the area. If the area used is unsafe then there will be an accident and that is the thing that must be avoided.