Profile picture for user stcroix
South Africa

Bin there, done that - Community Bin Installation

The Scouts identified a growing problem at the outdoor gym in our neighbourhood. Litter management is non-existent there, as there is no municipal bin anywhere near the outdoor gym park. They decided they'd like to install a bin for use by the hundreds of schoolchildren who pass by and use this park every school day.
The Scouts started by designing their bin. They obtained a plastic food-grade container large enough to serve as their bin and two spare poles we had in the store. St. Croix officially opened their bin to the public with a ribbon-cutting ceremony held on a Friday evening meeting. The Scouts will service the bin when needed, and they aim to beautify it with a small water-wise garden of indigenous flowering plants over the next few months.
There is a real need to educate the South African public about waste management and littering. We all have a duty to prevent litter and environmental pollution by educating others and creating an environment that we can all be proud of. The best place to do this, is to start at a young age, to prevent bad habits forming, thus schools are an ideal place to do that.
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Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Civic engagement

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