TGASC-Taiwan National Workshop on Growth Strategy.

TGASC-Taiwan conduct the 2023 National Workshop on Growth Strategy at the ChienTan Youth Center in Taipei on 22 to 23 April 2023. Some 40 leaders and young rovers from 13 local councils attended the Workshop. The Workshop was presided by Mr. Tsai, Wen-Huang, Chairman, National Committee on Organization Development and Membership Growth on Saturday 22 April. Dr. Su, Te-Hsiang, National Secretary General, Dr. Yang, Yung-Chin, Member, APR Scout Committee, Mr. Sherman Sheng, Chair, APR Governance Sub-Committee and many other commissioners and leaders attended the Opening Ceremony. Topics on the analysis of membership growth and best practices from other NSOs were shared with by the input speakers. Participants had the chance to learn the 7 key elements of Growth and had a brainstorming on the development of National Growth Strategy form the perspectives such as Youth Program, Adults in Scouting, Governance, Partnership, Communication and Reaching Out. The results of the Workshop will be discussed by the Membership Growth Committee before submitting to National Scout Council for approval later this year.
Good Governance

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