MOP & Scouts for SDGs - Virtual IDP Celebration'22
National Level Webinar on “Messengers of Peace and Scouts for SDGs” under Virtual International Day of Peace Celebration 2022 was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarters on 18th September 2022 via zoom and the same was telecasted live through the official YouTube channel of BSG. The event started with BSG Prayer which was followed by the Welcome Address delivered by Sri Analendra Sharma, Assistant Director, North East Region in which he took the privilege to welcome all the esteemed guest speakers, NHQ Officials and the particpants. Sri Amar B Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme and Training) took the privilege to deliver the Opening Remarks where he introduced the event and it’s importance. After that, with the lighting of the lamp, Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President, BSG and Sri M M Joshi, National Commissioner of Headquarters (Special Programme) inaugurated the event. Also, they blessed the virtual gathering and inspired the particpants. Then, session on Messengers of Peace and Sustainable Development Goals was taken by Sri Madhusudan Avala, Additional International Commissioner (Scout), BSG. The session covered all the elements of messengers of peace contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, Ways of contributing to SDGs, Benefits for Community, the Messengers of Peace programme and network and the Scout Donation platform was explained in details to the particpants. Interactive Quiz on slido was organized at the end of the session to check the learning of the participants through this webinar. Various Presentations on Sustainable Development Goals were presented by active members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides working on various programmes. Sri Amar B Chettri, MOP NSO Coordinator addressed the gathering, congratulated the presenters for their wonderful projects and urged the members of the organization to upload the service projects in www.sdgs.scout.org to create more visibility of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Finally, the Vote of Thanks was presented by Ms Shivangi Saxena, Assistant Director (Central and Western Region), BSG in which she thanked each and everyone who were present and have contributed for the success of the event and the event ended with the National Anthem. The event was coordinated by Mr Satyajit and Ms Priyanka under the dynamic leadership of Sri Analendra Sharma, Assistant Director, North East Region.